When we sell our lamb, it is directly to our customers. That's a bit of a change for people who are used to buying their meat at a grocery store or from a butcher, so we've put together a brief description of the process of buying locker lamb from us and a list of frequently asked questions.
How it works:
1. To reserve a lamb, call us at (208) 883-5548. We will tell you what we are currently charging.
2. We'll reserve a lamb and you mail me a deposit. This amount will be credited to your purchase.
3. When the lamb is ready (grown and finished to the proper weight), we'll take it into the butcher and call you with the hanging weight. At that time, we'll collect the rest of the cost of the lamb.
4. You then call the butcher and tell him how you want the meat cut and wrapped.
5. When the lamb is ready, you pick it up from the butcher and pay him the processing fee.
does it cost?
You pay us a price per pound based on the hanging weight of the carcass. This is about one half of the live weight, but without you having to pay for things like feed in the gut, mud, wool, etc. You will also need to pay the butcher for the processing. You will need to talk to the butcher to find our the current charge. Remember that there are two costs here: the cost you pay us for the lamb and the fee you pay to the butcher for processing the meat.
How much meat will we get?
For a
100 pound lamb with a carcass weight of 50 lbs, your
actual yield in terms of cut up meat
would be somewhere around 30 to 35 lbs, depending on how you want the
meat cut. Generally,
you will have
more pounds of lamb
if you request bone-in cuts and organ meats and less if you want
boneless cuts
and/or don’t want the organ meats.
Do you
sell individual cuts of meat?
Sorry, but, at this time, we
sell only whole
will the meat be ready?
After we
take the lamb to the butcher, it takes about
a week to two weeks before you can pick up the frozen lamb.